April 2024

Information and Civic Education Minister, Mr. Chernor Bah Speaks on Government’s Efforts to Promote Adolescent Girls and Youth Rights in Sierra Leone

At the 57th Session of the CPD, Information and Civic Education Minister, Mr. Chernor Bah Speaks on Government’s Efforts to Promote Adolescent Girls and Youth Rights in Sierra Leone

At the 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development interactive roundtable discussion organized by Plan International in partnership with AGIP, She Decides and UNGEI, as follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Information and Civic Education, Mr. Chernor Bah highlighted the country’s commitment to delivering on […]

At the 57th Session of the CPD, Information and Civic Education Minister, Mr. Chernor Bah Speaks on Government’s Efforts to Promote Adolescent Girls and Youth Rights in Sierra Leone Read More »


A3+ EXPLANATION OF VOTE BY H.E. AMBASSADOR PEDRO COMISSÁRIO REPRESENTATIVE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE  Madam President,  I have the honour to deliver this explanation of vote on behalf of the A3+, namely Algeria, Guyana, Sierra Leone and my own country, Mozambique.  The A3+ expresses its appreciation to the penholder, the United States, for their efforts



Sierra Leone Statement at the UN General Debate of the 2024 Session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Forum on Financing for Development

STATEMENTBY H.E. MRS. KENYEH BARLAYMINISTER OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE Madam President,  Excellencies,  Distinguished Delegates, Let me start by thanking the ECOSOC President for convening this forum at a crucial time when urgent and collective efforts are required to rescue the SDGs. Sierra Leone aligns itself with the statements delivered by

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN General Debate of the 2024 Session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Forum on Financing for Development Read More »

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East

STATEMENT BYH.E. MR. AMARA SOWA, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Madam President Since this is the first formal briefing, let me register my delegation’s congratulations and support to Ms. Sigrid Kaag, Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza on her appointment and equally thank her for the comprehensive briefing. My delegation recalls resolution 2720 (2023) which calls

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East Read More »

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council – On The Implementation Of The 2013 Peace, Security And Cooperation Framework For The Democratic Republic Of The Congo And The Great Lakes Region

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the members of the A3 Plus namely, Algeria, Guyana, Mozambique, and my country Sierra Leone.   The A3 Plus wishes to express its appreciation to Mr. Huang Xia, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region for his comprehensive and enlightening briefing, as well

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council – On The Implementation Of The 2013 Peace, Security And Cooperation Framework For The Democratic Republic Of The Congo And The Great Lakes Region Read More »

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council Open Debate On Women And Peace And Security: ‘Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence Through Demilitarisation And Gender responsive Arms Control’ 

Thank you, Mr. President.   We thank Malta for convening this open debate. We thank the briefers, Ms. Pramila Patten, Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Niemat Ahmadi, Founder and President of Darfur Women Action Group, and Ms. Danai Gurira, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, for their comprehensive briefings and for their various efforts to drive forward much needed

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council Open Debate On Women And Peace And Security: ‘Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence Through Demilitarisation And Gender responsive Arms Control’  Read More »

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council – United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) situation

Mr. President, Thank you for convening this meeting at the request of Jordan to discuss this important issue. I also thank Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)for his briefing that has outlined the status of the organization at this critical phase of its operation

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council – United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) situation Read More »

H.E. Dr Michael I Kanu at the UN Security Council

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council – Ministerial Meeting on Role of Young People IN Addressing Security Challenges in the Mediterranean

Mr. President, I thank you for convening this meeting.  I thank Ms. Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs for her briefing. I also thank Mr. Nasser Kamel, Secretary-General, of the Union for the Mediterranean and Ms. Sarra Messaoudi, Regional Lead of the MENA Coalition on Youth, Peace, and Security for the valuable information they have provided.

Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council – Ministerial Meeting on Role of Young People IN Addressing Security Challenges in the Mediterranean Read More »

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN – on the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) – JOINT A3 PLUS (ALGERIA, GUYANA, MOZAMBIQUE, SIERRA LEONE)

Madam President, I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3 Plus members, namely Algeria, Guyana, Mozambique and my own country Sierra Leone. The A3 Plus thanks Mr. Abdoulaye Bathily, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya for his update on the situation in Libya. We

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN – on the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) – JOINT A3 PLUS (ALGERIA, GUYANA, MOZAMBIQUE, SIERRA LEONE) Read More »

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum Opening Plenary Meeting on “Progressing from Poverty to Prosperity: Youth as Agents of Change”

BY H.E. Mr. Mohamed Orman BanguraMINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS Honourable Guests, Esteemed Panelists, Youth Leaders, and Development Partners, Today, we convene under the auspices of a critical theme that is central to global development and peace: “Progressing from Poverty to Prosperity: Youth as Agents of Change.” This session is pivotal in highlighting the urgent need

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum Opening Plenary Meeting on “Progressing from Poverty to Prosperity: Youth as Agents of Change” Read More »

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