August 28, 2024

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on The Situation in the Middle East-UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): Vote on  Mandate Renewal

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on The Situation in the Middle East-UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): Vote on  Mandate Renewal

EXPLANATION OF VOTE AFTER THE VOTE Sierra Leone reaffirms its commitment to promoting international peace and security and averting a full-scale war in Lebanon and a possible regional conflagration. In line with this end state, on 19th August 2024, Sierra Leone welcomed the request from the government of Lebanon and the recommendation of the United […]

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on The Situation in the Middle East-UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): Vote on  Mandate Renewal Read More »

Ambassador Sowa at The United Nations Development Programme Segment of The Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS ECOSOC Chamber

Ambassador Sowa at The United Nations DevelopmentProgramme Segment of The Executive Board ofUNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS ECOSOC Chamber

BYH.E. AMARA. S.M. SOWADEPUTY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE Mr. President, Distinguished Board Members,  ladies and gentlemen. Sierra Leone aligns itself with the remarks delivered by the Representative of Uganda on behalf of the G77 and China [if G77 make statement] At the outset, I wish to thank Ambassador Muhit and all other Bureau members for their support.

Ambassador Sowa at The United Nations DevelopmentProgramme Segment of The Executive Board ofUNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS ECOSOC Chamber Read More »

Ambassador Sowa At The Plenary Meeting Of The General Assembly Under Agenda Item 121 “Question Of Equitable Representation On And Increase In The Membership Of The Security Council And Other Matters Related To The Security Council

Ambassador Sowa At The Plenary Meeting Of The General AssemblyUnder Agenda Item 121 “Question Of Equitable Representation OnAnd Increase In The Membership Of The Security Council And OtherMatters Related To The Security Council

By:H.E. MR. AMARA S. M. SOWA AMBASSADOR/DEPUTY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE Mr. President of the General Assembly, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, I am honoured to speak, on behalf of the African Union Member States. I thank you, Mr. President for convening this Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly dedicated to adopting the draft oral decision under agenda item 121

Ambassador Sowa At The Plenary Meeting Of The General AssemblyUnder Agenda Item 121 “Question Of Equitable Representation OnAnd Increase In The Membership Of The Security Council And OtherMatters Related To The Security Council Read More »

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