October 21, 2024

H.E. Mr Amara S.M. Sowa At the #UnitedNations #SecurityCouncil Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: “The Security Situation in Ukraine”.

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: “The Security Situation in Ukraine”

BYH.E. MR. AMARA S. M. SOWAAMBASSADOR AND DEPUTY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE / CHARGE D’AFFAIRES A.I. Mr. President, I thank you for convening this meeting at the request of Slovenia and the United States, and I also thank Mr. Miroslav Jenča for his briefing. We welcome the presence of the representatives of Ukraine, Poland, Finland and Estonia. Sierra […]

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: “The Security Situation in Ukraine” Read More »

H. E. Mr. Amara S. M. Sowa At the #UN #SecurityCouncil High Level Open Debate: “Anticipating the Impact Of Scientific Development On International Peace and Security.

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council Open Date on “Anticipating the Impact Of Scientific Development On International Peace and Security “

STATEMENT BYH. E. MR. AMARA S. M. SOWAAMBASSADOR/DEPUTY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVECHARGE D’AFFAIRES  Thank you, Mr. President, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Switzerland for convening this important meeting. I thank the briefers Mr. Robin Geiss, Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Dr. Jocelyne Bloch, NeuroRestore, Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Biology

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council Open Date on “Anticipating the Impact Of Scientific Development On International Peace and Security “ Read More »

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