Sierra Leone at the UN Security Council


H.E. Mr Amar Bendjama, Ambassador & Permanent Representative of Algeria TO THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL

Dear colleagues,

I have the honour to deliver this explanation of vote on behalf of the A3+, namely Algeria, Guiana, Sierra Leone and my own country, Mozambique.


Sanctions are a very important and powerful tool of the Security Council. They were conceived as temporary measures to induce positive changes where and when they are enforced. 

Cognizant of the impact and importance of sanctions, they should be used with caution, in order to prevent unintended negative effects.

Indeed, mitigating the unintended negative impacts of sanctions requires this Council and the wider international community to continue reviewing the way relevant sanctions are designed and implemented.

In the case of South Sudan, it is clear that the current sanctions regime, the arms embargo in particular, is not serving the purposes for which it was established. 

In fact, it is having negative effects, since it hinders the ability of the Transitional Government to create the necessary capacity to fully implement the outstanding transitional tasks. This includes effectively equipping the Necessary Unified Forces, an important component of the Revitalized Peace Agreement.

The A3+ abstained on today’s adoption based on its conviction that the time has come for the Security Council to make the necessary adjustments to the South Sudan sanctions regime, to effectively support the efforts of the South Sudanese authorities to consolidate their state and protect civilians.

Guided by this vision, the A3+ engaged constructively during the negotiations and expressed its readiness to consider multiple scenarios and options to reach a fair outcome for all the Council members. Unfortunately, this text does not reflect the spirit of compromise that guides our deliberations.  

The A3+ is of the view that the complexity of the challenges faced by South Sudan calls for more robust and structured support from the international community, on critical areas such as weapons and ammunition management. This could lead to better outcomes than the continued enforcement of the arms embargo itself. 

Anchored in the African Union’s principled position, we reiterate the imperative of impartiality and clear criteria for the imposition, adjustment and lifting of Security Council sanctions. Furthermore, we reject any attempt to use sanctions to exercise political pressure on African states.

In Conclusion, the A3+ stands ready to continuously engage with the members of the Security Council to shape a harmonized vision on how to better support the people and government of South Sudan at this critical moment in their history.

I thank you. 

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