A3+ Explanation of vote on the UNAMI draft resolution

A3+ Explanation of vote on the UNAMI draft resolution

Mr. President

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+ members, namely, Guyana, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and my own country, Algeria. 

The A3+ welcomes the unanimous adoption of the resolution before us today, charting a new course for the United Nations presence and engagement in Iraq. 

This demonstrates the Security Council’s unity and resolute support for Iraq as it continues on its path of recovery, reconstruction and democratic consolidation.

This resolution reflects the progress made by the Iraqi government and its people, as well as Iraq’s increasing self-reliance and stability.

We will continue to encourage regional dialogue and cooperation to support Iraq’s long-term stability and prosperity.

To conclude, we wish to congratulate the United States of America in its capacity as penholder for steering these negotiations in a transparent and inclusive manner. 

The constructive engagement from all Council members has been vital in reaching this unanimous decision and paves the way for its effective implementation.

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