A3 Plus Statement (Algeria, Guyana, Mozambique and Sierra Leone) at the UN Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East- Yemen


Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3 Plus members, namely: Algeria, Guyana, Mozambique, and my own country Sierra Leone.

We thank Mr. Hans Grundberg, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, and Mr. Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, for their important briefings on the development in Yemen. The A3 Plus pays tribute to USG Griffiths and profoundly thanks his for his excellent contribution to the work of our organization as we extend our very best wishes and good health on his retirement.

[We welcome the participation of the Representative of Yemen in this meeting]. 

The A3 Plus reiterates it support for the Special Envoy Grundberg’s efforts to resume a Yemeni-led and owned political and peace process under the auspices of the United Nations. An inclusive political settlement accompanied by confidence-building measures and sustained nationwide consultations, and a permanent ceasefire remain the only viable pathway to resolving the complex situation in Yemen.  

The huge trust deficit in the political process is of great concern to the A3 Plus. We call on the parties to safeguard the gains already achieved so far in the peace-making process and to commit themselves to prevent a rollback. We also urge the parties to focus on building synergies and to maintain mutual collaboration; to continue building trust and confidence through the exchange of prisoners, by re-opening roads, resolving emerging economic fragmentation, and committing to sustained implementation of the United Nations Road Map.  We see these as important steps in reigniting the commitment of all parties to the resumption of negotiations.  

We further urge the parties to the conflict to refrain from unilateral actions or escalatory rhetoric that could destabilize the peace process. The A3 Plus recognizes that good-faith dialogue among the parties is an indispensable element to achieving a sustainable peace in Yemen, and therefore urge all the parties to refrain from provocative and unilateral actions.

Mr. President,

While negotiations are ongoing on the political track, we must not ignore the devastating humanitarian situation in Yemen. We welcome the pledges announced at the 6th Senior Officials Meeting on Yemen and call for sustained support to address the food insecurity situation and increasing rates of malnutrition. We also urge donors to support education and child protection programmes and efforts aimed at mitigating the urgent health crisis triggered by outbreaks of cholera in the country. 

We further underscore that the protection of female humanitarian personnel, their freedom of movement, and the delivery of essential lifesaving aid in Houthi-controlled areas must be guaranteed.  

Mr. President,

The A3 Plus is concerned that the Houthis have expanded the zone of risk beyond the shores of Yemen. We condemn their recent attack on the MSC Orion and the Cyclades and any attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea and demand that they cease such escalatory actions. 

We also call on the Houthis to remove restrictions imposed upon vessels carrying humanitarian aid to Yemeni ports. Yemen cannot rely solely on humanitarian aid and external assistance. We call on the international community to intensify efforts directed at promoting Yemen’s economic activities. 

Moreover, we reiterate the need to address the root causes of the conflict in Yemen and call on all parties to the conflict to exercise maximum restraint and prioritize political and diplomatic means in resolving the situation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. 

In closing, Mr. President, the A3 Plus underscores the nexus between events in Gaza and the situation in Yemen. It is critical that the Council work together to prevent the spill over of the Gaza-Israel conflict and its potential escalation throughout the region.

Specifically on Yemen, only a sustained, just, and inclusive peace process with a viable political settlement under the leadership of the UN and national ownership is the right path for Yemen. I Thank you.

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