About Mission

Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations

The Republic of Sierra Leone was admitted to the United Nations as its 100th member State on 27 September 1961, following the attainment of independence on 27 April 1961. The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations is entrusted with the primary responsibility to advance, promote, and protect the best interest of Sierra Leone in the work of the organization and its specialized agencies primarily located in New York, and with member States of the United Nations.
The work of the Mission is driven by the foreign policy objectives of Sierra Leone as contained in the Constitution of the Republic Sierra Leone, Act No. 6 of 1991, as follows:

Sierra Leone is committed to continued strengthening of multilateralism, equity and the maintenance of the rules-based multilateral system in a reformed United Nations. Sierra Leone is convinced of the nexus between the maintenance of international peace and security and development, thereby integrating the fundamental purposes of the United Nations, to maintain international peace and security, achieve international co-operation for sustainable development, and the promotion and respect for human rights and fundamentalĀ freedoms.

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