Ambassador Sowa at The United Nations Development Programme Segment of The Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS ECOSOC Chamber

Ambassador Sowa at The United Nations DevelopmentProgramme Segment of The Executive Board ofUNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS ECOSOC Chamber


Mr. President, Distinguished Board Members,  ladies and gentlemen.

Sierra Leone aligns itself with the remarks delivered by the Representative of Uganda on behalf of the G77 and China [if G77 make statement]

At the outset, I wish to thank Ambassador Muhit and all other Bureau members for their support. I would also like to thank Administrator Achim Steiner for his continued leadership of the Agency.

Since the 60’s, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been supporting economic growth in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone having been through myriads of challenges over several decades, including civil war, Ebola epidemic, Covid pandemic and economic crisis has been supported to the path of recovery and stability by several developmental partners including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The United Nations Development System has a central role to play in supporting countries national efforts to achieve the SDGs and overcoming development challenges, especially as we draw down the curtains on the negotiation on the Pact for the Future.  Sierra Leone appreciates the significant assistance of UNDP in this respect.  

Sierra Leone reiterate that the upcoming deliberation on the new Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) will be very crucial in providing the UN development system with a much-needed strategic guidance for no one to be left behind, especially with the prospect of having an ambitous Pact for the Future.

The purpose and relevance of the agency and the entire UN development system will very much depend on how they can use their comparative advantages in response to and implementation of the Pact fot the Future.

Looking back, the 2021-2022 annual report presented in July 2024, highlights UNDP’s strategic support to the country’s developmental growth with strong partnership and collaboration with the government of Sierra Leone in its efforts in eradicating poverty.

Mr. President, I would like to indicate that poverty eradication, including extreme poverty are food insecurity are top priorities of my country, and that they are the overarching objective of the 2030 Agenda. We urge UNDP to not lose sight of this grand objective.

The report which was launched by the Honorable Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, with the theme “Breaking the gridlock: Reimaging Cooperation in a polarized world” identifies UNDP’s supports in key strategic areas regardless of the interruption in programme implementation during the CoVID pandemic. UNDP swiftly made a shift in supporting government respond and recover from CoVID -19.

I would like to express the appreciation of my government to UNDP for its support in  promoting 30% gender quota in elections, supported strengthening of the legislative framework on Sexual Gender Based Violence with further support to the development of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act, improving women’s access to justice; supported with the strengthening of democratic institutions; implemented projects to help boost the local economic development; and supported Climate Change Adaptation, mitigation and disaster resilience and the Global Environment fund.

These interventions are in no doubt part of the significant growth and successes we have achieved in the past couple of years.

 However, couple with challenges persists:

First, addressing climate change and our energy transition plans remains a huge challenge for my country.   

Second, our “feed salon” program remains the blueprint for the Government of Sierra Leone, we look forward to increased support from UNDP in ensuring no Sierra Leonean goes to bed hungry, but most importantly for the country to be food self-sufficient.

Third, creating decent jobs for young people is key barometer in my country’s effort to ensure we sustain the peace we have all worked so hard for. We urge UNDP to support Sierra Leone in ensuring that we create decent jobs for our young people and provide the means for their meaningful engagement.

The Government of Sierra Leone aims through the Medium-Term National Development Plan (2024 -2030) to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive and green middle-income economy by 2039 through our big five changers, which includes Human Captial Developent, Youth Employment, Technology and Innovation and Infrastructural Development

 in this context, Sierra Leone is  honored to participate in  this Second regular session for the endorsement of the UNDP Country Programme (2025-2030).

We look forward to strengthening our collaboration and strategic partnerships through extensive consultations,

Mr. President,

I wish to conclude by reiterating that the Government of Sierra Leone looks forward to a constructive discussion during this session and beyond,  as it is highly important that we work together in an open, transparent and inclusive manner in order to bring about progress for the achievement of the SDGs.

I thank you!

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