Madam First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio to Commemorate International Women’s Day at Columbia University’s Teachers College

In what will be a momentous celebration of International Women’s Day, Columbia University’s Teachers College will play host to an esteemed guest, Her Excellency Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, the First Lady of Sierra Leone. Scheduled for March 8, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, the event promises to be a convergence of ideas and discussions centered on global advocacy and applied psychology.

The First Lady, renowned for her work in empowering women and children in Sierra Leone, will share her invaluable insights and experiences. This engagement is part of a broader initiative by the Global Advocacy and Applied Psychology Lab at Teachers College, aiming to highlight the role of women in leadership and the global impact of applied psychology in advocacy work.

Attendees can expect not only to be enlightened by Dr. Bio’s keynote address but also to engage in meaningful dialogue on the advancement of women’s rights and psychological well-being. The event underscores Columbia University’s commitment to fostering global conversations that inspire change and action.

The university has announced that lunch will be served, providing an opportunity for attendees to network and discuss the themes of the day. This event is a testament to the ongoing effort to celebrate and support the role of women in leading societal change on a global scale.

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