Ms. Sonia Umu Karim, Deputy Political Coordinator, At The High-Level Forum On The Culture Of Peace “Cultivating And Nurturing The Culture Of Peace For Present And Future Generations”, UNHQ Trusteeship Council Chamber.

Ms. Sonia Umu Karim, Deputy Political Coordinator, At The High-Level Forum On The Culture Of Peace “Cultivating And Nurturing The Culture Of Peace For Present And Future Generations”, UNHQ Trusteeship Council Chamber.


Mr. President, 

Sierra Leone expresses it gratitude to you for convening the High-Level Forum to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of the Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace. 

Sierra Leone recognizes and affirms its support for the UN framework on the culture of peace as a universal system that reflects and promotes tolerance, mutual respect for life and dignity of the person. 

The culture of peace attributes values of fundamental human rights, encourages peaceful dialogue in the settlement of conflicts, promotes solidarity and bridges divides across societies, while discouraging discrimination in the pursuit of achieving sustainable peace between and among people and nations of the world.

It is therefore important to underscore the relevance of resolution 53/243 which encapsulates the pertinent issues and realities of today’s world and the call to respect equality, human rights, religious freedom, justice, the rule of law, cooperation and strengthening of multilateralism in promoting global peace for present and future generations.  

It is imperative to rekindle the spirit of multilateralism and global cooperation to collectively address the current interlocking global crises to save future generations from the in-actions and misdeeds of today. 

Advancing human values, requires all member States to implement SDG 16, comply with international law without selectivity, advance and promote fundamental human rights, including ensuring freedom of the press, protection of journalists in conflict affected areas, human right defenders, women and youth, while ensuring that children embrace the culture of peace through quality education. 

In the framework of maintaining the culture of peace and inclusive society, at the national level, the Government of Sierra Leone established the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion which resonates with the country’s advocacy to promote reconciliation, and mediation efforts to foster a cohesive society.

At the international level, Sierra Leone continues to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security and respect for international law and the UN Charter, particularly as an elected member of the UN Security Council and during its presidency of the Council in this month of August. 

In noting that the UN Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace gives premium to today’s discussion in nurturing the culture of peace for present and future generations, Sierra Leone has dedicated one of its signature events to the timely topic – “The New Agenda for Peace – Addressing global, regional and national aspects of conflict prevention”, to underscore the importance of preventing conflicts, as a means to promote the culture of peace, in the leadup to the Summit of the Future. We look forward to member States reiterating their commitment to the culture of peace in the Security Council open debate. 

I thank you. 

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