Statement by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues -Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the UN, on behalf of the A3+ at UNSC Briefing on the United National Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)

Security Council Briefing on the United National Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)

Statement by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues       -Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the UN, on behalf of the A3+ 

Thank you, Mr. President,   

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+, namely Algeria, 

Mozambique, Sierra Leone and my own country, Guyana. We thank SRSG Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert for her informative briefing, and take this opportunity to express our gratitude for her outstanding work as the head of UNAMI and wish her every success in her new position. 

We welcome the participation of the Permanent Representatives of Iraq and Kuwait in today’s meeting.   

At the outset, the A3+ acknowledges the important contributions that the United 

Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) has made to the peace and stability of Iraq in cooperation with successive Iraqi governments.  We commend UNAMI for its role in facilitating dialogue, promoting reconciliation, and providing invaluable humanitarian aid in Iraq. Equally, we express our sincere appreciation for the notable progress achieved by the Iraqi Government in bolstering the nation’s economy, enhancing security measures, and advancing democratic governance.  

Against this backdrop, the A3+ welcomes the timely publication of the Independent 

Strategic Review undertaken by Mr. Volker Perthes, in keeping with Resolution 2682 (2023). This insightful review serves as a critical tool in assessing Iraq’s current state and guiding future initiatives towards sustainable peace and prosperity.  

We also acknowledge the humanitarian dimension of the Iraq / Kuwait missing persons and national archives. We commend the progress made by UNAMI on the execution of its mandate pursuant to paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 2107 (2013) and acknowledge the need for a follow-up mechanism until the conclusion of this important work.  

Mr. President, 

While recognizing the strides made by the Iraqi authorities in effectively managing crises and overcoming challenges that the country has faced, we are also cognizant of the persisting challenges, particularly the fragility of key institutions governing the nation’s political and socioeconomic processes.  

Furthermore, the proliferation of armed factions and the potential resurgence of entities akin to Da’esh present formidable threats to Iraq’s stability. We commend the resolute engagement of the Iraqi Government in its efforts to establish strong institutions to address these threats, and to meet the aspirations of the Iraqi people.

In this regard, the A3+ commends the progress made in the formation of local governments in 13 of 15 federal governorates following the certification of the results of the December 2023 Governorate Council elections. We encourage all stakeholders to continue to work towards finding solutions which will allow for the formation of local governments in the two remaining Governorates.   

Mr. President,   

The threats to security still pose a concern. The scattered Da’esh attacks underscore the need for continued international support and collaboration for Iraq’s counterterrorism efforts. This is critical in order for Iraq to exercise control over the weapons within its territory and effectively combat the emergence and operation of non-state armed groups. 

As the Iraqi people emerge from years of war, they cannot afford to become entangled again in an international conflict. The A3+ calls on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and to recommit to preventing a further escalation of violence in the region.  

We underscore the imperative of addressing underlying socio-economic disparities and grievances that fuel instability and conflict. Efforts to promote inclusive economic growth, job creation, and equitable distribution of resources are essential in fostering social cohesion and resilience against extremist ideologies. 

The A3+ reiterates its commitment to supporting Iraq in its efforts to rebuild and recover from the devastating impacts of conflict and displacement. International assistance should be aligned with Iraqi priorities and conducted in a manner that respects the sovereignty and dignity of the Iraqi people. 

Mr. President, 

The A3+ take note of the wishes of the Iraqi Government for the mandate of UNAMI to be terminated by 31 December 2025. Cognizant that no UN political Mission is meant to have a permanent presence in any country, we underscore the importance of respecting Iraq’s position regarding the future of the mission and for national institutions to fully assume responsibilities for all aspects of state governance. In this context, the A3+ stands ready to engage constructively with fellow Council members, UNAMI, the Iraqi Government, and all relevant stakeholders, in finding the best path forward for the Iraqi people to make further gains in their quest for a more peaceful, stable, and prosperous Iraq. 

In conclusion, the A3+ reaffirms its unwavering commitment to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to advance the cause of peace, stability, and prosperity in Iraq. By addressing challenges with determination and unity, we can contribute to paving the way for a brighter future for the Iraqi people and to regional security and stability. 

I thank you.

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