Sierra Leone Addresses the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question

The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, led by H.E. Dr Micheal Imran Kanu, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, delivered statement at the United Nations Security Council during the briefing on the situation in the Middle East, focusing on the Palestinian question, particularly highlighting the risk of famine and the challenges faced by humanitarian workers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the Gaza Strip.

Ambassador Kanu referenced a report from the Global Nutrition Cluster indicating acute malnourishment among children and the looming threat of famine in the region. He also highlighted the extensive destruction of infrastructure in Gaza due to ongoing hostilities, severely impacting socio-economic activities and access to essential services.

Sierra Leone reiterated the call for compliance with Security Council resolutions 2712, 2720, and 2728, demanding the protection of civilians and the facilitation of unhindered humanitarian access throughout the Gaza Strip. The Ambassador expressed deep concern over the casualties among humanitarian workers, emphasizing the need for their protection and the continuation of their vital services.

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