Sierra Leone Calls for Urgent Action in Ukraine Conflict: Urges Diplomatic Solutions to Avert Catastrophe

ierra Leone has issued a powerful call to action at the United Nations Security Council briefing under the agenda “Threat to International Peace and Security – Ukraine.”

In a statement delivered by H.E. Dr. Michael Imran Kanu, Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative, Sierra Leone expressed grave concern over the escalating crisis in Ukraine, emphasizing the urgent need for diplomatic solutions to avert further catastrophe.

With over 10,000 civilians killed and 18,000 injured since the conflict began in 2022, Sierra Leone highlights the dire humanitarian situation, stressing that over 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of urgent assistance.

Sierra Leone condemns the supply of weapons to any party in the conflict, citing the risk of escalation and diversion of resources from vital socioeconomic development. Sierra Leone calls for stringent measures to prevent illicit weapon transfers and underscores the importance of upholding international law.

In closing, Sierra Leone reiterates its call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, urging all parties to respect Ukraine’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Sierra Leone emphasizes the imperative of good faith diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict and address the pressing humanitarian crisis.

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