Sierra Leone Spearheads Sustainable Peace Efforts: Advancing Comprehensive Strategies and Prioritizing Human Capital Investment

In a pivotal Arria-Formula Meeting, Sierra Leone takes the spotlight for championing sustainable peace through groundbreaking initiatives. The delegation extends gratitude to Japan, Guyana, and Mozambique for organizing the event and acknowledges the invaluable insights from briefers ASG Khaled Khiari, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, and Mr. Asif Saleh.

The meeting centered around “Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace through Comprehensive Approaches” with a focus on “Investment in People, including Empowerment of Women.” Sierra Leone emphasizes the urgency of moving beyond traditional security measures to address the root causes of conflicts in our rapidly evolving world.

Sierra Leone calls for a people-centered approach, advocating for investments in human development, economic opportunities, and social cohesion as pillars of sustainable peace. Recognizing that conflict arises from complex factors, including poverty, inequality, and weak governance, the delegation emphasizes a holistic strategy that strengthens governance, provides jobs, protects human rights, addresses food insecurity, and ensures equal participation in political processes.

Drawing inspiration from the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda, Sierra Leone urges a collective commitment to a peace continuum. The New Agenda for Peace outlines specific actions, including promoting comprehensive approaches to conflict prevention, fostering partnerships with various stakeholders, and redirecting resources towards conflict prevention.

Sierra Leone underscores the crucial role of women in sustaining peace, emphasizing inclusivity, diversity, and gender equality as critical factors in preventing conflict and building lasting peace. Sierra Leone highlights the importance of supporting local capacities for conflict resolution, governance, and sustainable development, respecting the agency and leadership of communities in shaping their peacebuilding efforts.

Sierra Leone also shares its success in implementing the New Agenda for Peace, showcasing the establishment of an Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion. This commission played a pivotal role in facilitating peaceful dialogue between the government and the main opposition party, leading to the historic “Agreement for National Unity.”

In conclusion, Sierra Leone asserts that sustaining peace requires a multilateral effort, involving the UN system, the international community, member states, and civil society organizations. Sierra Leone emphasizes the fundamental importance of national ownership in the pursuit of lasting peace.

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