Sierra Leone Statement at ECOSOC Chamber at the UNICEF Executive Board Second Regular Session

Sierra Leone Statement at ECOSOC Chamber at the UNICEF Executive Board Second Regular Session


Mr. President, Distinguished Board Members, Observers, good morning.

Sierra Leone aligns itself with the remarks delivered by the Representative of Uganda on behalf of the G77 and China [if G77 makes statement]

I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Gilles Fagninou and all other Bureau members for endorsing the UNICEF Sierra Leone Country Programme(2025-2030).

In August, the Situation Analysis of Children and Adolescents in Sierra Leone was launched. It clearly showed the positive strides that theGovernment of Sierra Leone with support from UNICEF and other UN Agencies has achieved over recent years in improving the well-being of children and adolescents in Sierra Leone. 

The challenges we face in Sierra Leone are great, but so are the opportunities for positive and meaningful change. The New Country Programme reflectsthe principles of Leaving No One Behind in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Sierra Leone, the African Union Agenda 2063, and the Government of Sierra Leone’s Medium-Term National Development Plan (2024-2030).

My delegation notes that the UNICEF New Country Programme prioritizes effective governance and systems strengthening in health/nutrition, WASH, education, and social policy and social protection services. Furthermore, the emphasis on programming for adolescents and youth, particularly on accelerating results for adolescent girls and empowering them as change agents in national and subnational priorities, is highly commendable. The commitment to mainstreaming child-responsive climate adaptation across all sectors and programmes is also a critical and timely priority.

In addition, the Programme aims to expand strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, including the private sector, and to leverage technology, innovation, and financing to scale up sustainable results for children. We are grateful for these efforts and fully support them. 

Sierra Leone therefore extends its commitment and support to collaborate with UNICEF in creating an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the New Country Programme and for the achievement of the key objectives as envisaged. Together, we can build a brighter and more equitable future for every child and adolescent in our country. 

In conclusion, on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to UNICEF and its dedicated staff for their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to the well-being of children. Let us continue to work hand in hand to realize our shared vision of a world where every child can reach his or her full potential.

I thank you once again.

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