H.E. Mr Amara S.M. Sowa At the #UnitedNations #SecurityCouncil Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: “The Security Situation in Ukraine”.

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: “The Security Situation in Ukraine”


Mr. President,

I thank you for convening this meeting at the request of Slovenia and the United States, and I also thank Mr. Miroslav Jenča for his briefing.

We welcome the presence of the representatives of Ukraine, Poland, Finland and Estonia.

Sierra Leone acknowledges Ukraine’s letter of 14 October 2024, reporting the tragic death of Ukrainian journalist Vicktoriia Roshchyna. We express our condolences and stress that journalists are civilians protected under International Humanitarian Law. The inhumane treatment and unexplained death of detainees during war violates international law.

Sierra Leone remains deeply concerned about the escalating conflict in Ukraine, which has persisted for over two and a half years. Recent intensification of fighting has resulted in further occupation of Ukrainian villages and regaining of territory in the Kursk region.

We take note of reports of multiple attacks by in October, targeting civilians and vital infrastructure, such as residential areas, markets, railways, and grain storage facilities. These attacks exacerbate civilian suffering and disrupt essential services.

Sierra Leone is particularly concerned about the reported 7 October missile strike on a civilian ship flying the flag of Palau, resulting in deaths and injuries, and the attacks on humanitarian ships on 9 and 10 October, killing civilians and damaging vital port infrastructure. These attacks, affecting both Ukraine and countries reliant on Ukrainian grain, are prohibited under International Humanitarian Law.

Mr. President,

According to OCHA and OHCHR reports, intensified hostilities and attacks in September 2024 led to the highest civilian casualty numbers of the year, with at least 208 killed and 1,220 injured. We are also troubled by reports of ill-treatment of prisoners of war, a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

The ongoing attacks on nuclear energy infrastructure pose serious regional threats. We echo the warnings of IAEA chief Grossi and urge all parties to refrain from further strikes on nuclear facilities, which could lead to catastrophic consequences.

Sierra Leone calls for the protection of civilians and the prioritization of diplomacy and dialogue to de-escalate tensionsand for the parties to refrain from further escalation and the option of winning the war on the battlefield at all costs.

We further call for full respect of the national sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders and for the immediate cessation of hostilities. In doing so we urge for good faith diplomatic efforts addressing the legitimate concerns of the involved parties.

The international community must support efforts to find a peaceful resolution through diplomatic means, as outlined in Article 33 of the UN Charter.

I thank you.

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