H.E. Amara Sowa Charge D’affaires A.I. Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council – Explanation of Vote on The Situation In The Middle East-Palestine Question

H.E. Amara Sowa
Charge D’affaires A.I.
Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative

Mr. President, 

Sierra Leone would like to thank the United States for the initiative to work on this resolution. We further acknowledge and support ongoing diplomatic efforts spearheaded by Qatar, Egypt and the United States aimed at achieving a deal that will bring about tangible results on the ground.

It is in anticipation of this result that Sierra Leone voted in favour of the resolution just considered. As we’ve previously stated in this Council, Sierra Leone shares the view that actions of the Security Council should complement ongoing diplomatic efforts that will bring about a meaningful pact for a sustainable peace.

While we do not agree to all the elements in resolution, it is important that as the body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, we urge both Israel and Hamas to seize this opportunity to meaningfully engage and commit to an agreement that will lead to a ceasefire, the release of hostages and exchange of Palestinian prisoners, allow for the effective distribution of humanitarian assistance at scale throughout the Gaza Strip, the reconstruction of Gaza and actualization of the two-state solution.

The recent outcome of Israel’s extensive raid in Rafah on 8th June 2024 to release hostages, is an indication that, until a comprehensive deal is reached by both parties, such fragmented operations with devasting consequences for the civilian population will continue. 

To avoid future catastrophes and put an end to this brutal conflict, Sierra Leone reiterates the need for parties to the conflict to respect and implement all resolutions adopted by this Council, the need for international law to be upheld and all ICJ Orders complied with.

It is our sincere hope that parties to the conflict will approach the negotiating table with empathy, flexibility and careful consideration of the impact of this conflict on the women, children, the elderly and other vulnerable groups who since the 7thOctober 2023 have been victims of their actions.

Sierra Leone reiterates its unwavering commitment to this cause, until a just and lasting solution is achieved.

I thank you.

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