Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on Bosnia and Herzegovina


Madam President,

I thank you for convening this briefing.

I thank Mr. Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations ; Ms. Željka Cvijanović and Mr. Christian Schmidt, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina for their insightful briefings. 

Sierra Leone welcomes the opportunity for the Council to be briefed of any emerging issues which may threaten the hard-earned peace and progressive implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina also known as the Dayton Agreement.

In this regard, we would like to emphasise four key issues: 

First, Sierra Leone acknowledges the territorial integrity and the internationally recognized borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We further note that the establishment of the entities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska, was not intended to perpetuate ethnic or political divide or reinforce separatist sentiments. We therefore deplore all actions that threaten the territorial integrity and stability of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sierra Leone is of the view that it is important to honor and respect Bosnia and Herzegovina’s culturally, ethnically and religiously diverse heritage. In this vein, Sierra Leone calls for the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina to embrace their Multi ethnic identity which continues to generate and reflect a resilient and progressive nation.

Second, Sierra Leone commends the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina on progress made in the implementation of Dayton Accords, particularly the creation of its Constitution, the entrenched provision of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and establishment of a Constitutional Court.

 Sierra Leone also commends steps taken for Bosnia and Herzigovina candidacy for accession to the European Union. We further welcome the incremental steps to be undertaken for the country’s alignment with EU standards, particularly where they promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. We therefore, appeal to all stakeholders to refrain from taking any action which undermines the credibility and functionality of these institutions. 

Third, Sierra Leone acknowledges the role of the European Union Force Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR), advancing the work of the High Commissioner and supporting the objectives of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB).

Sierra Leone is mindful of the role of Regional Organizations in line with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter on Regional Arrangements. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, Sierra Leone supports the role of credible regional actors in supporting state effectiveness and peace and security in the region.

Madam President,

Our Fourth point, is the critical role of the Council in supporting de-escalation of tensions and encouraging dialogue among the key actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is particularly key, given the Government’s commitment to undertaking economic, judicial, and political reforms that are critical to attaining lasting peace and security as well as sustainable socio-economic growth in the region. 

Sierra Leone therefore emphasizes the importance of the Council working cooperatively with all other actors within the PIC Steering Board for full implementation of the 5+2 agenda across the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly in resolving the deepening gridlock between state actors and the OHR. 

Finally, Sierra Leone urges all Member States, regional actors and entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to direct their will and effort on delivering on our collective promise and responsibility of “never again”, for the benefit of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I thank you.

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