Sierra Leone Statements with Ambassador Imran Kanu On The Middle East: Syria (Humanitarian and Political).

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council On The Middle East: Syria (Humanitarian and Political)



Thank you, Mr. President. 

I am honored to deliver this statement on behalf of the A3+, namely Algeria, Guyana, Mozambique, and my own country,Sierra Leone.

We thank Mr. Geir Pedersen, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria, and Mr. Ramesh Rajasingham, Director of Coordination, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, for their valuable briefings.

The A3 Plus regrets that no progress has been made on the political track and express our disappointment that no breakthrough has been made in the re-convening of the Constitutional Committee.

We wish to appeal to the relevant parties of the importance of offering Syrians a glimmer of hope and to restore their confidence in the future of their country. 

We reiterate our support for the work of Mr. Pedersen, and urge relevant parties to engage positively with his efforts to revive and establish a Syrian-owned and led peace process. These efforts must seek to resolve the crisis that has so far cast a dark shadow over the lives of millions of Syrians.

In this regard, the A3 Plus stresses the importance of accelerating the peace process as a matter of urgency and to fully implementing Resolution 2254.

Recent events have exposed the fragility of the peace and security of Syria, with the situation on the verge of further escalation. 

The A3 Plus calls for a nationwide ceasefire and for all efforts to be made to avoid an escalation of tensions within Syria and in the wider region.

The resurgence of terrorist activities in the country highlights the possibility of Syria returning to a dangerous level of threat. Combatting terrorism is a collective duty, that requires concerted international efforts and decisive action.

We also wish to underscore that violations of Syria’s sovereignty further threatens a deterioration in the security situation in the country and also in the wider region which will lead to devastating consequences.

The A3 Plus, therefore, renews its call for full respect for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and urges all parties to exercise maximum restraint and to work diligently towards achieving the objectives set out in Security Council resolution 2254.

Mr. President,

Civilians, especially children and women, bear the brunt of wars and crises. Syria is no exception. Today’s briefings paint a grim picture of immense suffering. Unfortunately, the international community’s efforts fall short of meeting the funding target set in the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan. 

The already dire humanitarian situation will only worsen with the current funding shortage, at a meager 21%–a significant drop of 35% compared to last year. Moreover, with 13.6 million people desperately needing water, sanitation, and hygiene services, the WASH sector is unfortunately only 13% funded. The A3 Plus calls on donors to provide adequate, flexible, and non-earmarked funding for the Syrian people.

We welcome the Syrian government’s renewal of the authorization for the UN to deliver aid through Bab al-Hawa crossing until 13th January 2025 and look forward to the renewal of the authorizations for Bab Al-Salam and Al-Ra’ee next month.

The A3 Plus emphasizes the critical importance of using all available pathways to provide humanitarian assistance, including both cross border and cross-line mechanisms.

We stress the need to urgently address the plight of Syrian refugees, which has taken on dangerous dimensions that may constitute a factor of instability for the region. The increase in irregular migration is a priority issue to be addressed within the parameters and safeguards of international law. 

The A3 Plus calls on all parties to create a safe environment that enables the dignified, voluntary, and safe return of Syrian refugees to their homes, including through the funding of early recovery projects. It is a collective responsibility that we must fulfill.

The A3 Plus takes note of the report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) on “Dynamics and Unintended Effects of Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs) against the Syrian Arab Republic,” released on 12th July. This report sheds light on the unintended consequences of sanctions on those delivering humanitarian aid which in turn affects the lives and livelihoods of the Syrian people. We also take note of the recommendations which aim to help policymakers find innovative and sustainable ways to meet growing humanitarian needs despite the current sanctions in place. We reiterate our call for the lifting sanctions as appropriate to facilitate economic recovery in Syria.

In closing, Mr. President, successive meetings within the Security Council must translate into tangible results for the Syrian people, who yearn for a political solution to end the crisis that has devastated their country and displaced millions of people.

The A3 Plus calls for a political solution that guarantees Syria’s unity, territorial integrity, and sovereignty, and fulfills the aspirations of its people. This must be our goal, free from other interests and considerations. The Syrian people’s interests must be our priority.

I thank you.

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