Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on The Situation In The Middle East, Including The Palestinian Question


Mr. President, 

Thank you for convening this meeting at the request of the delegations of France, the United Kingdom and the United States and separately from the delegation of Algeria to discuss various issues related to the conflict in Gaza. 

I thank the briefers, Ms. Rosemary DiCarlo, UnderSecretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. Ms. Edem Wosornu, Director of Operations and Advocacy, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Dr. Efrat Bron-Harlev, Director of Schneider Children’s Medical Center and Yuli 

Novak, Israeli Human Rights Activist and Executive 

Director of B’Tselem for their important briefings. 

Sierra Leone congratulates Slovenia on assuming the Security Council presidency for this month and we wish you and your team the very best. I assure you of our full support. 

Let me also thank all council members for their support during our presidency in August.  

Mr. President,  

One of the consequences of the heinous attack of 7th October 2023 on Israeli civilians, was the taking of 

about 250 hostages by Hamas and other armed groups; an act that contravenes international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949), which explicitly prohibits hostage-taking as a grave breach of international humanitarian law (IHL) under Article 34.  This prohibition is reaffirmed under the International Committee of the Red Cross rule 96 of Customary IHL.  

Sierra Leone since the 7th of October 2023 condemned and has repeatedly condemned this act in its strongest terms and called for the immediate and unconditional release of all the remaining hostages held by Hamas. 

Therefore, it is deeply concerning to note the contents of the identical letter dated 1st September 

2024 addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Security 

Council, from the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations informing of the discovery of the “bodies of six Israeli hostages, held in the tunnels of Hamas since 7th October 2023”, with 

101 hostages still unaccounted for by Hamas.” 

This tragic loss, combined with the prolonged suffering of the remaining hostages in worsening/unpredictable and unknown conditions without any humanitarian access underscores the need for impartial investigation and independent investigations, and accountability for those 


In this regard, Sierra Leone continues to support the work of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal 

Court, since he announced the opening of investigations into the Situation in the State of 

Palestine, following Pre-Trial Chamber I’s decision the ICC could exercise its criminal jurisdiction in the Situation, covering the territorial scope of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.  

Mr. President,  

With all the tragedies unfolding since 7th October last year, civilians have been at the center of it all, as they unwillingly carry a burden too grievous to bear. The humanitarian situation still reveals the harsh reality in the Gaza Strip as indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, blockade, hunger, disease and displacement push civilians towards and beyond the brink of human dignity and 


The re-emergence of the once eradicated polio in Gaza owing to the disruption to child vaccination programmes as well as massive damage to water and sanitation systems caused by the war is only but one of the consequences. However, and amidst this atmosphere of high tension and risks, we welcome the area-specific humanitarian pauses that allow for the roll-out of the first phase of the polio vaccination 

campaign in central Gaza. The joint effort demonstrated by the Ministry of Health, WHO, 

UNICEF, UNRWA and other partners reinforces the selfless nature of the humanitarian personnel in the field.  We reiterate their appeal to the relevant parties to the conflict to respect the temporary pauses and work towards achieving the long 

overdue lasting ceasefire. 

Mr. President,  

Turning to the West Bank, Sierra Leone is deeply concerned over the large-scale operations in the 

West Bank by the Israeli Security Forces (ISF) since the 27th August 2024. We regret that 29 deaths and 50 injuries have been reported as of 1st September 2024 as casualties from the West Bank governorates of Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarm. We welcome the 

withdrawal of Israel’s forces from Tulkarm and Tubas, and implore them, to do the same in Jenin, an area where they have instituted a curfew, which as 

reported is seriously affecting the residents and their access to essential services.  

The 19th July 2024 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has made it clear in its determination among others that, “Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) is unlawful and that Israel is under obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the OPT as rapidly as possible”. Sierra Leone can only urge the State of Israel to comply, and for the United Nations, including the General Assembly and Security Council to work on the modalities as declared by the ICJ.  

Mr. President, 

At this point in the conflict, it is evident that the civilians in the Gaza Strip can no longer endure the untold suffering being inflicted on them. Can we for once consider the sanctity and priceless nature of a single human life, let alone the over 40,000 civilians who have lost their lives and 94,224 injured in Gaza? With this in mind, Sierra Leone would make the 

following points.  

Firstly, we call on the relevant parties to this conflict to implement the resolutions of the Security Council, including 2735 which with the passage of time would require further action by the Council. We urge the parties to respond to the mediation efforts 

of Egypt, Qatar and the United States, by committing to an immediate cessation of hostilities and agreeing to a deal that will facilitate the exchange of hostages and prisoners, provide substantial humanitarian aid, and establish a permanent 


Secondly, in seeking to address the reported sticking points in the ongoing negotiations, we call on parties to the conflict to explore feasible options, including the proposal that has been put forward by the UN Secretary-General on security guarantees in 

Gaza and for Israel.   

Thirdly, we continue to remind the relevant parties of their obligations to respect and comply with 

international law, in particular IHL.  

Fourthly, and as part of the future outlook, Sierra Leone reaffirms its commitment to the political horizon of the two-state solution, where two States, Israel and Palestine co-exist peacefully within secure and recognized borders. We therefore reiterate our rejection of statements and actions of the conflicting parties that will create incitement or undermine efforts towards the peaceful solution of this prolonged conflict. 

Let me conclude by stating that, upholding human dignity and the rule of law is a shared global responsibility; therefore, Sierra Leone reiterates its condemnation of all acts of violence against civilians and calls for independent and impartial investigations that will lead to accountability to end impunity, recognizing the critical nexus between peace and justice. My delegation therefore stands ready to steadfastly pursue any initiative that will advance the peace process between Israel and 


I thank you. 

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