Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on The Situation in the Middle East-UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): Vote on  Mandate Renewal

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on The Situation in the Middle East-UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): Vote on  Mandate Renewal


Sierra Leone reaffirms its commitment to promoting international peace and security and averting a full-scale war in Lebanon and a possible regional conflagration. In line with this end state, on 19th August 2024, Sierra Leone welcomed the request from the government of Lebanon and the recommendation of the United Nations Secretary General to extend the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for a further period of one year, “in full accordance with resolution 1701 (2006) wording, provisions, without any amendments to its mandate, its concept of operations and its rules of engagement”.

Today Sierra Leone has voted in favor of the draft resolution S/2024/634 to extend the mandate of UNIFIL from 31 August 2024 to 31 August 2025. Sierra Leone is of the view that the role of UNIFIL remains relevant, and the renewal of the mandate for 12 months is more important now than ever before given the prevailing circumstances on the ground.

Events since October 7, 2023, have only underscored the importance of the UNIFIL Mission. UNIFIL continues to engage with authorities on both sides of the Blue Line in seeking to mitigate against miscalculation and avoid further escalation. The Mission utilizes its liaison channels and coordination mechanisms and public statements to urge a return to a cessation of hostilities and to underscore the need to avoid impact on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Sierra Leone voted in favor of the resolution in line with our principled position and we make the following observations:

That full implementation of all relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 1701 (2006), is key for peace, security and stability in Lebanon and the region.

That there is need to address the violations of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both Lebanon and Israel.

Support for full respect for the Blue Line and to fully respect the cessation of hostilities in line with resolution 1701 (2006).

Safety and security of United Nations Personnel and to respect the inviolability of United Nations premises.

Freedom of movement of peacekeepers.

Respect for international law and the protection of civilians and civilian objects.

Colleagues, while we recognize that there are concerns regarding the mandate of UNIFIL, Sierra Leone is of the firm belief that protecting the mandate’s integrity against a backdrop of escalating violence and uncertainty is a more important issue for the Security Council. Sierra Leone truly believes that this text is balanced and provides an appropriate response to the situation on the ground. 

We thank France’s consistent efforts in preparing this balanced text to help bridge the gap among the Council members.

In conclusion, Sierra Leone remains dedicated to the pursuit of peace and security in Lebanon and Israel. Our vote in favor of resolution________ signifies our commitment to see UNIFIL continue to successfully fulfil its mandate.

I thank you.

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