H.E. Amara SM Sowa, Ambassador and deputy Peremanent Represenatative. At The #UN Security Council Briefing On Threats To International Peace And Security- Nord Stream

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council on Threats To International Peace And Security- Nord Stream


Madam President,

I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude for convening this meeting.

I also wish to thank the Russian Federation for requesting today’s discussion.

It has now been two years since the unfortunate sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. We remain hopeful that a resolution will be reached in a timely manner.

In previous Security Council meetings, Sierra Leone unequivocally condemned the abhorrent destruction of civilian infrastructure, which violates international law. Today, we reiterate that condemnation and continue to call for the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure everywhere.

Despite the passage of time, a clear, independent, and verifiable conclusion from the investigations into this incident has yet to be established. We note that investigations conducted by Denmark and Sweden confirmed deliberate sabotage but did not assign blame, and that Germany’s investigation remains ongoing.

Madam President,

Our responsibility to maintain global peace and security includes the protection of lives, property, and human dignity worldwide. The destruction of critical interstate economic infrastructure, alongside environmental damage and marine life loss resulting from the Nord Stream incident, demands serious attention—not least to safeguard respect for the rule of law and accountability, which are essential for international peace and security.

In this regard, we emphasize the need for a fact-based, credible, inclusive, and transparent investigation that yields an impartial outcome. Such clarity is crucial for ensuring accountability. We urge the Security Council to support the timely conclusion of the German authorities’ investigation to establish facts and dispel any contentious allegations.

Our global system is under immense strain due to ongoing conflicts and emerging geopolitical and economic interests. From its inception, the Nord Stream pipeline has had significant geopolitical and economic ramifications, with strongly held views by the relevant stakeholders. Our persistent call for a swift conclusion to the investigation seeks to prevent any escalation of tensions due to prolonged perceived inaction on this issue.

Madam President,

In closing, Sierra Leone reaffirms its commitment to the respect for territorial integrity and the protection of civilian infrastructure. We urge the German authorities to expedite the release of a consolidated investigation report on the Nord Stream incident as appropriate. Any undue delay risks undermining the Security Council’s efforts to maintain international peace and security.

I thank you.

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