Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council Briefing under the agenda "Threat to International Peace and Security- Increasing Western Arms Supplies to Ukraine

Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security Council under the agenda “Threat to International Peace and Security- Increasing Western Arms Supplies to Ukraine


Thank you, Mr. President.

I also thank Mr. Adedeji Ebo, Deputy to the High Representative of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs for his briefing. We note the contribution of Ms. Karin Kneissl.

[I welcome the participation of the Permanent Representative of Ukraine in this meeting.]

Sierra Leone takes note of the differing perspectives presented on the supply of arms with respect to the conflict in Ukraine, including those relating to the continuous supply of weapons having the potential to prolong and escalate the level of violence in the conflict, potentially leading to a state of attrition.

Notwithstanding the increased civilian deaths, injuries, and displacements, as well as massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, the gains achieved by both sides in the conflict does not point towards total victory. The situation appears to be a stalemate, and if the military objectives remain unachieved, political dialogue and settlement should be pursued.   

The alarming civilian casualty figures and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine since the start of the conflict to date, underscores the urgent need for all parties to the conflict to prioritize the protection of civilians and refrain from further escalation and pursuit of the option of winning the war on the battlefield.

Dialogue and diplomacy should be the primary tools employed to de-escalate tensions and pave the way for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. The international community, including this council, must remain steadfast in its commitment to supporting the pursuit of a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine. 

Sierra Leone reiterates its commitment to upholding the principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, emphasizing the importance of respecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and encouraging peaceful settlement of disputes.

Sierra Leone also reiterates its principled position that all transfers of weapons in conflict situations should occur within the applicable international legal framework and relevant UN Security Council resolutions and include pre-transfer risk assessments and end-user verification to prevent diversion of arms and ammunition.

In closing, Mr. President, Sierra Leone calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities, respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and genuine diplomatic efforts to achieve a peaceful and lasting resolution to the conflict, taking into account the legitimate concerns of all parties involved.

I thank you.

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