Sierra Leone Statement at the UN Security on Cooperation Between The United Nations And Regional And Subregional Organisations In Maintaining International Peace And Security: The Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), The Commonwealth Of Independent States (CIS), And The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)


Thank you, Mr. President.

I thank the Russian Federation presidency of the Security Council for convening this important debate. Strengthening cooperation between regional arrangements with the United Nations, in particular the Security Council is strong pillar of the UN Charter established collective security system.   

I also thank Ms. Elizabeth Spehar, Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding Support, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, His Excellency Mr. Zhang Ming, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (CSO), His Excellency Mr. Imangali Tasmagambetov, Secretary-General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and His Excellency Mr. Sergey Lebedev, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for their valuable briefing. 

Sierra Leone notes the UN Secretary-General’s biennial report on “Cooperation between the UN and regional and other organizations” issued on 8 August 2022 which underscores strengthening of cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional bodies such as CSTO, SCO and CIS. 

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon once stated that in an era of increasingly complex and urgent global crises,with conflicts continuing to emerge and deepen worldwide, the United Nations cannot deal with such crises on its own, especially when multilateralism faces immense difficulties in holistically addressing emerging disputes. Bodies such as the African Union, ASEAN, the League of Arab States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the OSCE can complement United Nations efforts in their respective areas of responsibility and their mandates. In most cases, they are better acquainted with the situation on the ground and can therefore play a role in supporting efforts by the United Nations in addressing peace, security and development challenges.   

In the face of various global challenges and challenges faced directly by States including terrorism, radicalization, organized crime, and the security implications of new technologies, a deliberate promotion of coordinated and concerted multilateral action is inevitable, even more so given the transborder impact of these challenges.    

Given their comparative advantage of geographical proximity and strong local networks, regional and sub-regional organizations are well-placed to understand the root causes of conflict in their respective areas and to complement the efforts of the UN in addressing these challenges. 

Mr. President, 

Sierra Leone also recalls that UN Secretary-General António Guterres informed the Security Council that collaboration between regional and sub-regional organizations and the UN had grown exponentially. This Council should thus take advantage of that dynamic to address the raft of challenges facing Member States. 

By working together, regional and sub-regional organizations can contribute to strengthening the UN and promoting its goals in many diverse ways including: support UN peacekeeping efforts, share resources, and enhance regional security cooperation; collaborate with the UN on counter-terrorism initiatives, share intelligence, and coordinate efforts to combat terrorism; provide early warning mechanisms and mediation; support UN development programs, promote economic cooperation, and work towards sustainable development goals; provide training and capacity-building programs for member states, enhancing their ability to implement UN resolutions and programs; provide humanitarian aid and support UN efforts in disaster response and relief; and finally help resolve conflicts and promote peaceful resolution, aligning with UN principles.

In fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they can integrate the development frameworks and initiatives of the United Nations into their own development plans while also narrowing political, economic and cultural gaps among themselves.

In this regard Sierra Leone takes note of the Joint Declaration Cooperation between the Secretariat CSTO and the UN Secretariat signed in Moscow in 2010. We commend the UN and CSTO for steady progress and positive dynamics in strengthening relations. We also commend the CSTO for Positive impacts of CSTO on maintenance of regional peace and the WG for its contribution to countering threats emanating from Afghanistan.  We also note the MOU signed between the CSTO and the UN which pens a long cooperation in the area of peacekeeping, and we look forward to the CSTO developing its own peacekeeping capacity with the view to use it in UN Peacekeeping operations.

We note the broad mandate of the CIS which allows it to address security challenges from various perspectives including military, socioeconomic, cultural and humanitarian and look forward to the new deradicalization program that is currently under development. We welcome the implementation of a number of ongoing multilateral programs to strengthen border security at external border combat terrorism, extremism and crime.

Sierra Leone acknowledges efforts to strengthen strategic cooperation and coordination among the UN and regional and subregional organizations that can play an important role in conflict prevention, and in this regard, encourages consideration of the need to continue enhancing capacity-building for regional and sub-regional organizations in conflict prevention, crisis management, post-conflict stabilization and sustaining peace, including through the provision of human, technical and financial assistance as appropriate.

Sierra Leone also encourages the UN Secretariat and regional and sub-regional organizations to further explore, as appropriate, information-sharing on their respective capabilities, best practices and lessons-learned in maintaining international peace and security and to continue to compile best practices, in particular in the field of mediation, good offices and peacekeeping. The enduring exercise between the CSTO member States since 2012 to develop skills in conducting peacekeeping operations is a laudable initiative.

Additionally, we welcome the CIS declaration of readiness to cooperate with the UN through deepening and intensifying existing contacts and establishing new areas of collaboration in order to promote international peace and security, interethnic harmony, protection of human rights, economic and social progress.

In conclusion, Mr. President, cooperation between the UN and regional organizations is necessary to address a variety of transnational challenges. However, this cooperation must be firmly based on multilateral order with the UN at the centre, based on principles of respect of the international rule of law and cooperation. We believe good governance, the rule of law, gender equality, respect for human rights, and fostering democratic institutions are essential to maintaining peace, security, and prosperity.

Sierra Leone will continue to support enhanced cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organizations to support our shared values, purposes, and principles toward maintaining international peace and security for all. 

I thank you.  

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