Sierra Leone Urges Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza Amid Escalating Crisis

Sierra Leone, in a passionate address to the United Nations, has called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as the region faces a deepening crisis. Sierra Leone condemned the recent heinous attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians and the taking of hostages, emphasizing the need for their immediate release.

Sierra Leone expressed strong condemnation of attacks on Palestinian civilians, collective punishment, and forced displacement, citing a Secretary General’s Report that highlights 1.9 million internally displaced Palestinians, most seeking shelter in or around UNRWA installations in Gaza.

Sierra Leone called for accountability for violations of international law, particularly international humanitarian law, and crimes of serious concern. With a reported 23,000 Palestinian civilian casualties since October 7, 2023, Sierra Leone deeply regrets the human cost, especially the impact on women, children, and humanitarian workers.

Highlighting the deteriorating situation over the past three months, Sierra Leone called for compliance with UN resolutions and international law, urging all parties to allow rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access to those in need. Sierra Leone emphasized the necessity of an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to end atrocities, reduce tensions, and support ongoing humanitarian efforts.

In closing, Sierra Leone reiterated its call for political and diplomatic efforts towards a “two-state solution” for lasting peace and security between Israel and Palestine.

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