UN Security Council members respond to inaction on nuclear disarmament with support for TPNW

On Monday, 18 March 2024, the United Nations Security Council convened a ministerial meeting on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, chaired by Japan, the Council’s March President. In their statements, the permanent members of the Security Council (P5) promised little by way of meaningful action on disarmament. However, certain non-nuclear-armed states, including Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Malta, Mozambique, and Sierra Leone, more clearly articulated the vision held by the world’s majority. 

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https://www.icanw.org/un_security_council_members_respond_to_inaction_on_nuclear_disarmament_with_support_for_tpnw#: UN Security Council members respond to inaction on nuclear disarmament with support for TPNW

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