UN Security Council Presidential Press Statement on the alarming situation of humanitarian personnel

Press Statement on behalf of the UN Security Council by H.E. Dr. Michael Imran Kanu, Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone,  in his capacity as President of the Council for the month of August 2024, on the  Alarming Situation of Humanitarian Workers Worldwide

​“The Members of the Security Council met this afternoon to address the alarming situation of humanitarian personnel worldwide and received a briefing, in closed consultations under any other business, from OCHA Director of Operations and Advocacy Edem Wosornu. 

​On the occasion of World Humanitarian Day, Council members expressed their deep appreciation to humanitarian workers around the world, including to all those working under the auspices of the United Nations. They acknowledged that humanitarian personnel work selflessly to alleviate the suffering of the people in vulnerable situations especially in armed conflicts, increasingly risking their own safety and even their lives. They also recognized their invaluable efforts to save lives, restore dignity and give hope to those in the most difficult situations. 

​They discussed the challenges and risks that humanitarian personnel continue to experience worldwide and deplored that 2023 was the deadliest year in history for aid workers and expressed concern that if the international community fails them, we fail everyone who is in need of humanitarian aid. They also expressed their deep concern about the particular vulnerability of national and locally recruited humanitarian personnel. 

​Council members also reiterated the obligation of States and parties to armed conflicts to fully respect international humanitarian law, including respecting and protecting humanitarian workers, and enabling rapid, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.  

​Council members called on States, in accordance with their obligations and jurisdiction, to ensure independent investigation and prosecution of persons responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law (IHL), including against humanitarian workers.” 

For further information, kindly contact:

Ms. Onike C. Spencer-Coker, Spokesperson
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone 
+1-347-445-2051; [email protected]

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